…and finding your happy
I love helping people work out what their version of an awesome life is and then giving them the practical steps they need to take to move into THAT version of their life and career.
But what I often see is people conforming to societal career expectations, choosing how they live and work based on the ‘norm’ or living life and work on autopilot… no judgement here, it happens to the best of us!
Before we dive into 3 tips to support you in gaining career clarity so you can finally take the leap in finding your true happy, let’s look at some common examples that
prevent people from making change:
Let's just be true to ourselves for a moment…
We don't have enough time in this glorious expression of this lifetime to waste time in rubbish jobs, doing roles that aren’t suited for purpose and having careers that aren't awesome!
I totally get that there are times in life when the choice of what/when/how seems incredibly limited but even then I cant handle resignation around this.
You do not have to resign to this being IT.
Read that again.
I imagine if you’re reading this, this is somewhat landing for you in one way or another…whatever your circumstances.
3 Tips To Support You In Gaining Career Clarity
What is the first step to take if you want to be happy at work?
Is it talking to your boss?
Is it signing up for another leadership or management course?
Is it looking on job boards to see what else is out there?
As helpful as all of these can be, the first step in gaining career clarity is understanding your VALUES. Yup. 100%
Getting clear on what YOU VALUE above all else, and I mean REALLY VALUE is the number 1 thing you need to do to be happy in your career.
Let’s explore this more:
1: Get Clear On What’s Important To You
What do you value above all else? What are your core values and what do they mean to you? Are you showing up in line with your values? Does where you work/what you do align with your values?
2: Know What Success Means To You Right Now
Not what you have been conditioned to believe success is, not what your parents or partner or boss say success is. Really get clear on what success MEANS to YOU in the here and now. What does success look, feel and sound like to you?
3: Recognise The Spark
Does it feel exciting? Does it ignite something in you? Are you doing this because you can or because you should or because you WANT to? Do you feel good about it? (Even if its scary it should still feel good on some level!)
I could talk about this stuff FOREVER but I will leave it here for now - if you have any questions feel free to drop me an email at
emma@projetawesomelife.com, or email me to enquire about my 90 minute Clarity Sessions.
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