emotional clearing

Clearing sessions that free you from trapped emotions 


Clearing is a muscle testing tool drawn from Kinesiology which allows the practitioner to 

track emotional stressors and access information from the unconscious mind for their clients 

(with client permission).

When paired with the Emotions Chart taken from Chinese Medicine, it allows the 

practitioner to quickly and accurately locate a stressful emotion that has been trapped in the

client’s body. The trapped emotion is then released by gently holding the emotional stressor 

points or rubbing the corresponding meridian point.

There are many different types of clearing, these stand-alone sessions are not “The Spiral”.



A statement clear is a simple, powerful clear, muscle testing, and clearing a statement back to equilibrium. We test the statement in both the positive and negative, to ensure there is no charge on either side. This allows the person to be at peace with the idea.



Root clears are a blend of the NLP technique timeline with muscle testing.

A root clear changes our whole relationship to something across our entire life. It does this by mapping WHEN we first attached various emotions to the thing that’s triggering us. We can apply a root clear to ANYTHING, but they are most commonly applied to emotions (especially ones that keep coming up) and to key themes that are having an effect on our lives (e.g. money or confrontation or death). Root clears follow a specific structure, meaning we are always looking for three separate time intervals in our life.

A root clear finds the 3 most important instalments of unresourceful anchors from significant emotional events in a person’s historical chronological timeline. These 3 instalments (first, second and last) create a pattern that then can loop through the persons’ life each time they experience that emotion. Root clears clear the distortions so that the client can have a pure experience of the emotion free from the distorted patterns of behaviour and relating.

  • The first one: when we first formed an emotional response to the trigger
  • The second one: the second emotional response we layered over the top of the first 
  • one and
  • The third one: a summary of ALL OTHER residual emotions we have anchored to the 
  • trigger (also known as the ‘residue’) 


During a Root Clear we will clear all the emotions linked to the root emotion.



Quadrant clears are so called because they are a way of dividing any triggering situation into four separate but interlinked possibilities.

Unlike most clears, quadrants are a great way to clear Limiting Beliefs and Complex Equivalences.

They also aren’t as heavy to process as root clears and can help you solve problems you don’t understand just by working through a formula.

One of the things that happens to us as we grow up is we compartmentalise different areas of life and often adopt an either/or belief system.

For example:

  • I can either have money or be loved
  • I can either have freedom or commitment
  • I can either live my life purpose or have a career
  • I can either have a great sex life or meet a nice girl, etc.

Once again, our emotions are shaping what we believe is possible.

This powerful clear is for internal conflict. When we have made an unconscious decision that we can have one thing but not the other. This is a powerful clear for integrating these two ideas so we can have both at the same time. Example Love vs. Money 



A Chakra clear is when we move through each of the Chakras and ask how clear it is and then clear any emotions that are blocking the energy. Once clear there is a free flow between the Chakras, allowing you to be at your best and perform at your optimum levels.



A chakra line clear is when we clear the energetic field of the client for both giving and receiving energy to another person. Sometimes we can feel funny about a person, or be triggered by them and not know why. To clear this energy and come back into a clear relationship with the person we muscle test into each chakra for both giving and receiving energy up to 100% then we can find the specific chakra blocks and clear them quickly and easily.



Manifestation clears are used when we have a clear intention for what a client wants to manifest. Each Chakra is explored with the intention in mind and any emotions that are blocking you receiving the thing you want is cleared.


This is a clearing that covers 3 areas; Consciousness, Buddha Field and Radiance Field. It clears your ability to radiate and receive energy on all levels. It is particularly effective in allowing you to be clear to show up in the world with a clear energy and be open to receiving all that is meant for you.


At the end of each clear we ensure you are integrated across each of the 5 bodies. If we find any of the bodies are not integrated, you will be set integration tasks. Even if all bodies are integrated it is likely you will be given some ‘play’ to integrate deeper.

Here is a list of the Five Bodies in order of most to least dense:

1. The Physical Body 

2. The Emotional Body 

3. The Energetic Body 

4. The Mental Body 

5. The Causal or Spiritual Body 


Stand-alone clearing sessions are around 90 minutes.

If you are not sure what clearing session you need, we will explore it together and select the best fit based on our discussions. Some sessions may include more than one clear.


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