“I am so f*cking annoyed because you didn’t put the washing in!!!” (to husband)
“You are making me so cross im going to lose my temper!!” (to children)
“If only he hadn’t said that I would be fine now” (heard from a friend about new boyfriend)
“She makes me feel so uncomfortable whenever I see her” (from one friend about a school mom)
I am sure you have heard or said some of these above statements, or variations of them, and if you really think about it you will be amazed at how often these sorts of things you say every single day (out loud and to yourself – see the blog on Inner Voices for more info on that) without even knowing it.
You are basically playing your BLAME/SHAME CARD at all times and it sucks because it puts you firmly in the VICTIM pile of life.
My life was governed by such statements (so depressing!) until as part of my NLP Training (Neuro Linguistic Programming) I was given a new perspective, and that came in a simple statement that rocked my world…. and everything in it. What was this life changing statement???
What? THAT’S RIDICULOUS! You scream! When Dave from next door throws his dog poo over my garden fence HE MAKES ME FEEL ANGRY! When my husband told me he was leaving me HE MADE ME FEEL SAD. When Tara told me I had put on weight and needed to change out of the dress I had on SHE MADE ME FEEL TERRIBLE. When my son yelled he hates me HE MADE ME FEEL GUILTY for being a bad mom.
I CALL BULLSHIT!Bullshit?? (you whisper meekly?)
Stage 1: WOOOOOHHHHHHHHAAAAA!!! (I screamed too) – you are meant to be helping me sort my shit out and here you are telling me that EVERYTHING IS MY FAULT!!!! THAT I AM TO BLAME FOR EVERYTHING??? Well thank you very fucking much for that!
Stage 2: One or more of the following responses usually follows depending on where your head is at:- Rocking and weeping silently (oh god I am such a bad person, world destroyed)- Agrees wholeheartedly (I always knew I was the blame)- Throws hands up and puffs out chest (what a load of rubbish)- Screws up face (what the hell are you going on about? I just don’t get how everything can be my fault!?!?)
Stage 3: You see the thing is if you really think about it, if we had the power over others to MAKE them feel in a certain way then the world would be one hell of a crazy place! Imagine you could MAKE someone FEEL exactly as you wanted them to! The power would be INTENSE! If this was true then you could walk into the supermarket and MAKE everyone feel generous and let you go to the front of the que (cool huh!) you could then make the checkout lady feel sorry for you and give you your shopping for free (oh yeah!) you could perhaps then make your husband feel sooo utterly in love with you that he does all the housework, runs you a bath whilst he cooks dinner and then gives you an hour long massage whilst you binge watch Love Island! Oh the joys!
But the reality is far from that isn’t it? So if you let that sink in and then turn it on its head – how can anyone MAKE you feel anything at all? It is completely impossible! A total sham! A lie that our world, our minds, our language and our culture has created and that we all believe so half heartedly that we have completely lost touch with reality.
Stage 4: Aha!
Stage 5:Awesomeness!
Well that’s the shortened version, the reality is it takes a lot longer than this BUT the good news is THE MINUTE YOU START IS A STEP CLOSER TO YOUR AWESOME LIFE. Once you realise that you are completely in control of everything you FEEL you also realise that you are therefore IN CONTROL OF EVERYTHING YOU FEEL!! Now that is frigging Awesome!
So how does this work?
The first thing to do is notice (and make notes if possible) of how many times a day you blame someone or something or some outside force for the way you think, feel or act (BELIEVE ME IT WILL BE A LOT!). So for example: “The kids stressed me out this morning as they were taking ages to get ready and this made me late for work” This is such a sad statement, even reading it makes me feel exhausted. Powerless. The ‘kids’ in this statement have all the power. The me/you is the victim. It feels like there is nothing you can do about the situation but LIVE WITH IT. You are not in control. How un-awesome!
Now take the same statement and change it to being YOUR FAULT:“I FELT/CHOSE to become stressed out this morning, I didn’t leave enough time to get the kids ready, I was then late for work”
Now although the outcome is still pretty shitty ie you felt stressed out and you were late for work - the power has shifted. Now the decisions and choices are yours and yours alone, and although still frustrating you can (I hope) see the ACTION YOU CAN TAKE to alter how things may be another time.
So once you realise you are using the BLAME & SHAME CARD you can trump it with your I AM AWESOME CARD, flipping it on its head and taking control say ASK YOURSELF WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT? So using the above example: I will set the alarm for 15 minutes earlier so we all have more time in the morning and therefore allow everyone more time to get ready, I will change the morning routine so we are less rushed, and if we are running late for whatever reason I will choose not to get ‘stressed’ about it and will accept it is just the way it is for that day. I know I can continue to make the changes needed that will reduce how frequently this happens.
Cool huh?! Who is the Awesome in control queen now? Whose Awesomness cards are winning this game? You, that’s who!
Now wouldn’t it be wonderful to think like that every day? To be in control of every situation? The thing is that it isn’t EASY to do this all of the time, I still love nothing more than cursing my husband/traffic/kids/the world/the universe and blaming them for EVERYTHING in my life but then I remember IT'S NOT THEM BUT ME WHO HAS CONTROL OVER THE WAY I FEEL and it’s the remembering that is half the battle and that sometimes makes me grunt in frustration and other times smile knowingly.
In the PROJECT AWESOME LIFE GROUP we delve deeper into the Choice Paradigm. It is fecking amazing what one simple perception can do to change your life and can have a MASSIVE impact ACROSS ALL AREAS OF YOUR LIFE, I have experienced it myself seen it happen to many people so many times and it really is a game changer so join in and get Awesome!
THERE IS A FLIPSIDE TO THIS….YOU CANT MAKE ANYONE ELSE FEEL OR DO ANYTHING EITHER….If this blows your mind then come along and join in the Facebook Community discussion today.