As one of the least likely people you can imagine to take up the practice of Mindfulness, people have been somewhat surprised by my enthusiastic take up of this ancient practice.
People ask ‘why?’
‘You?’ ‘Really?’
My answer (without going into the breakdown/depression/crying all the time snizzle, is that my route into mindfulness began with a very clear goal: I wanted to feel happier or put another way I never wanted to feel as sad again as I had felt when I had depression
My studies have shown that there are SOOOOOO many benefits to Mindfulness, with over 10,000 research papers dedicated to Mindfulness and scores of trials in schools, mental health centres and even in hospitals as part of prevention and recovery from illness. If you read the research it pretty much claims to solve all problems in the world with just a flick of the mindful switch.
You can read more about the history and scientific research on the internet but most of the findings claim:
Reduction in stress
Reduced anxiety and depression
Pain reduction
Improved concentration
Improved health and wellbeing
Better sleep
But the crux of introducing Mindfulness to your own life is you want to know what it will do for you?
Now I can’t say for sure what it will do for you but I can say what it has done for me.
So here is my personal list on what changes have happened in my own world since I started practicing Mindfulness:
My ability to actually relax when I want to relax has increased
My ability to focus when I want to focus has increased
I have noticed a significant decrease in the days I would refer to as a ‘bad day’, bad moments and bad things still happen but they rarely hang around for long
I am more able to stand back and view my emotions so they don’t get the better of me, an angry moment doesn’t take over and can pass incredibly quickly
I feel more in-tune with my body, I can physically feel my emotions in parts of my body as they arise so I can enjoy the good vibes and let the bad pass by
I am less shouty (it still happens with the kids but it doesn’t usually escalate)
I feel less guilt
I have been more willing to experience things that I normally wouldn’t
I am more content and feel although I have goals which mean something to me
I recognise ‘stress’ and can take steps to care for myself so it don’t become ‘stressed out’
I am a better listener
All in all, I think this is a pretty cool list and has made a massive difference to me personally. Looking at the list I feel pretty happy and content with where I am now. I feel like these things, no matter how big or small, have enabled me to be living my version of an awesome life.
What changes would you like to see in your life? What would your list look like if you could have any benefit you wanted from Mindfulness or other therapies? Perhaps take a moment to write it down.