Sometimes it's hard to face ourselves.
We get so used to showing up as what the world wants us to be that we lose sight of who we really are, of what we truly believe, of how vulnerable we are, how powerful we are, how scared we are, how joyous we are.
We get used to battening down the hatches on our emotions.
No one wants to see all those feels do they?
And even if they do we would be left feeling exposed with our red eyes and snotty nose and heart and soul all out in the world for everyone to see.
After all this practice we have had keeping ourselves in check it becomes our new reality.
We don't even allow ourselves to see inside ourselves.
We shrink away from the shadows and the darkness in favour of the lighter versions of ourselves.
I know I am guilty of this. On my quest for joy I became even more adept at hiding from my own darker depths.
I stopped allowing myself to feel pain or sadness or overwhelm or fear or anxiety or weakness or despair or shame.
I didn't WANT those things out feelings in my life so if the law of attraction is true then I shouldn't ALLOW those things to be present, even for a moment.
So as well as becoming somewhat of an expert in hiding from the shadows I also became rather good at shoving down those icky feelings in favour of joy!
On face value this seems like rather a good fecking idea 💡 Bingo! I'd worked it out and never ever ever had to deal with anything remotely blurrghhh!
Winner winner chicken dinner 🍽
But (there is always a bloody BUT goddammit!)
BUT, I'm sorry to tell you that this is NOT the way to win at life.
You gotta go all in!
You gotta FEEL it all!!!
Its the only way!
But (here it is again) BUT you can do it in a way that is filled with lightness and joy.
By accepting that life and YOU are a tapestry of emotions.
And that the lighter colours or emotions can not be seen unless they are aside and intertwined with those darker, earthy colours that you want so badly to avoid.
Accepting that every emotion is valid and that they add colour to your life is very liberating.
When you learn to embrace the shadows and explore them with a level of curiosity they become in themselves a source of joy.
When you can let those feeling BE and soak right into them they are easier to release and too become joy.
When you can hold yourself with compassion whilst feeling anything but great then you learn a whole new level of self love. True joy.
None of this is particularly easy unless you decide its easy.
Decide that your all in.
Decide that you deserve to experience all of you and that you are fucking glorious however you are feeling.
This is when the magic starts to happen.
This is when you find the joy even in the sadness.
This is living your one and only life as the incredible creature that you are.