One of the hardest questions I was ever asked was:
What makes you happy?
I couldn’t answer. I was frozen. I was terrified. I was totally freaked out.
How could I get to 30 something and not know what made me happy?
I cried so hard I felt like my eyeballs were going to fall out of my face.
When I was asked this question I was pulling myself out of depression, like most things thus far in my life I tackled depression with an unwavering action plan, a solid end goal and a to do list of mental health research and study.
This call was next on my 'action plan' - I booked a life coach and dived in, phone at ear, pen poised over new notepad and 'depression doesn’t live here' imaginary neon sign flashing over my head. I was ready.
And then this little question floored me.
As if the depression, the stress, the tablets, the tears and exhaustion hadn’t been wake-up enough?
THIS was the moment I WOKE UP (after lying comatose for an hour, that crying session was intense man!)
It was time to get to really know myself, to put down the to do list and stop pursuing some end goal of happiness that involved job titles and house renovations and £ signs that had no heart.
It was time to get LIVING.
It has been at times a painful journey, at times truly joyful.
I still love a house renovation and you cant beat a good 'to do' list. I still have huge financial goals too.
But my focus is on my joy, my happiness.
I have learned when I hold this as sacred and navigate life with this at my core that everything works out.
It definitely isn’t all hearts and flowers and fluffy clouds and rainbows (although I do notice this stuff a hell of a lot more).
My life is messy and full of ups and downs but it is filled with such moments of joy. I can even look back and see the moment when I was asked THAT question as a pure and undeniable moment of JOY as it woke me to what I was missing and it led me to my passion.
My passion is helping others find their joy in their messy, complicated, emotion filled, bumpy lives.
Do it. Find your joy. The rest will follow.