Today I totally lost my shit! The pressure cooker in my head flipped and I shouted and yelled and ‘grrrddd’, groaned and swore.
I could feel it coming; in truth, it has been building up all week. And today the little trip wire (nothing of significance) blew the damn lid off my brain!
I used to have these moment A LOT. In the past I couldn’t see them coming: like a flash storm I would be caught out, skipping along in the sunshine one minute and left cold, shivering and drenched through the next, hearing the thunder as it fades away and seeing the flashes of lightening in the distance.
I didn’t know the signs. I didn’t listen to my mind in the right way. I couldn’t recognise what was happening until it was too late.
The pressures of the busy lives we lead start stacking up, don’t they? Work to be done, birthday parties coming up, presents to buy, housework to tackle, families with wants and needs, bills to pay, trips to prepare for, blogs to be written, empires to build….
We have lots on, lots coming up and not enough time!
We ignore the signs from our bodies and our minds that tell us to slow down, to stop, to breathe, to take a step back and get some perspective.
Mindfulness, Neuro Linguistic Programming and everything else doesn’t magically take away the stresses of everyday life, there is still always work to be done, birthday parties coming up, presents to buy, housework to tackle, families with wants and needs, bills to pay, trips to prepare for, blogs to be written, empires to build….
But by learning a few simple techniques and understanding the signs you can get a little space and perspective that work to lesson the power of these moments.
This morning I lost my shit, but I got over it. I easily stood back and could see that my temper tantrum was part of a bigger picture, that I hadn’t been taking the space I needed and I had begun to let the stack of never ending things to do become my life, my sole focus and my purpose for living.
An awesome life isn’t about getting everything done at whatever cost. An awesome life is about letting some things slide, giving yourself a bit of space, shifting the focus from doing to being. To doing what you can and enjoying it.
And most importantly forgiving yourself when all of this stuff doesn’t quite happen.
So if you lose your shit, step back, think of what has led you here. Take note, give yourself a hug and move the fuck on to your awesome life!