You are such an idiot! I can’t believe you did that!
Did you really say that? What a complete numbskull!
You are never going to get where you need to get in life. You are such a loser.
You are a terrible mother. You are dragging those kids up. They are going to be emotionally scared because of you.
Can you imagine someone saying all these things to you? A friend? A family member? A stranger in the street?
I think most of us would feel pretty damn shit if someone did. We might feel furious, or upset and burst into tears, we might believe them and really think that this is it, I am all of those things and more….
Can you imagine hearing this stuff every day, everywhere you went? Someone saying it when you open your eyes in the morning, whilst brushing your teeth or whilst playing with the kids, when you are walking around the supermarket or driving into work?
Can you imagine how draining and damaging this would be?
The truth is most of us deal with some level of this EVERY SINGLE DAY.
And let me tell you from experience it is EXHAUSTING.
I didn’t understand why I felt so tired, so drained, so emotionally fragile ALL OF THE TIME. I was getting rest and eating well and would take a little me time when I could but nothing helped.
The reason none of it helped was because pretty much every moment of every day I was beating the shit out of myself. Literally waking up, putting on the boxing gloves and doing a mental 12 rounds on myself.
I would wake up and off I would go. What didn’t I do right in the last hours/days/week? Where had I screwed up? What should I have done better? What was ahead of me that I was pretty much sure I would feck up in some way? What was I going to do with my life? What challenges lay in the next few hours that I might fail at (these challenges could be as minor as getting to an appointment on time or collecting the dry cleaning – it didn’t matter about the size of the challenge – I would still mentally start pummelling away at myself in anticipation of it all going drastically wrong – all down to my ineptness).
Then I learned through Neuro Linguistic Programming and Mindfulness, what was going on up in my head and instead of putting on the boxing gloves every morning and beating myself into an unconscious zombie fog of worry and guilt I am now able to step aside, watch the match as it unfolds and then return to doing pleasant stuff like living in the moment and smelling the roses (literally and metaphorically).
So next time you wake up and start lacing up the boxing gloves ready to get started on round one, stop and see, for a few moments at first, then maybe a few hours, then maybe always, that you can choose to put the gloves down. That you can recognise what you are doing and just focus on something else, a present moment thing, like your breathing or the sound of the birds or the feel of the ground under your feet.