What’s your problem?
Sometimes when we have a problem it seems so huge and so insurmountable that we can’t imagine we will ever be able to overcome it.
I hear you. I have been there many times in my life:
At 19 when I was meant to be heading off travelling with my then boyfriend and now husband only to be told the bank had made a mistake and I didn’t have the funds.
When I went for my dream job at 23 and didn’t get it and my friend whom I had recommended for another role with the company was given the role I wanted.
The time the house I had fallen in love with was bought by somebody else.
When I had to leave the company which I had worked for nine years under horrible circumstances, whilst pregnant may I add. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that no-one would employ me whilst pregnant.
Or the time when I was diagnosed with acute stress and the doctor produced the happy pills something I always swore ‘wouldn’t happen to me’.
When I had an operation and it went terribly wrong and I was in so much pain for so long that I literally thought that I couldn’t go on. The two additional operations to put me right, one of which could have made me incontinent at 35 years old, but was essential to save my life.
There is more for example family illnesses and the death of loved ones. The list of ‘problems’ or ‘challenges’ we face on our individual life journeys are endless. It so often feel like our world, as we know it, is coming to an end.
The truth is we come out of the other side. Changed for sure. But that is life.
In each of the scenarios above, at the time, I honestly felt that things couldn’t get any worse. I was so caught up in the catastrophe right in front of me that I could swear to every god that exists (or doesn’t depending on your beliefs) that this was the end.
But it wasn’t. It rarely is.
I want you to do an exercise right now. Go on humour me.
Grab an A4 piece of paper and a pen
Write down in the centre of the paper a problem you are currently facing, if there are too many then just write PROBLEMS in capital letters in the centre of the paper.
Pick up the paper and hold it in two hands in front of you with your arms outstretched
Now slowly bring the paper closer and closer to your face to the point it touches your nose.
Now ask yourself the following question: ‘What can I see’?
The answer is not very much; you can’t see anything but the paper, or the problems. This is very much how most of us deal with our problems, we get so involved, so focused on them that we can’t see above, around, below or through them. All we see is the problem and when something is so THERE in your face it’s very difficult to deal with it.
So next time you have a problem or are struggling with a number of problems, take a step back and look around, above, below and through the problem.
It’s a cliché but this too shall pass. If you give yourself a little space, time and a distance from the problem you will see it does indeed pass.
If you have a problem at the moment that you can't see a way round or you are facing a challenge that feels just too big to handle drop me an email for a FREE DOWNLOAD to help you work through it