Ahhh the joys of yoga.....
Before we begin, let' get something straight I am a reluctant yogi!
I took yoga up because I am pretty cr*p when it comes to exercise.
I took up yoga because I don' really like exercise.
I took up yoga because I thought it would be easy.
I took up yoga because I wanted to try something new.
Really I took up yoga as an excuse not to continue with another form of torture..... I mean exercise that I had been doing….
Anyhow…I was doing an excellent job this morning of trying to get out of going to yoga – I had a good meaningful chat with myself where my internal voices discussed the merits of attending the class.
Queen Positive argued – “You like it, it feels good, its cold outside and its warm in there (I do the hot version), you haven’t been for a few weeks so it will be nice to get back into it, you will be all happy when you finish and ready for the day”. Good points all round I thought thanks Queeny!
But Negative Nancy hadn’t yet had her turn – “Its cold outside, your neck really hurts (slept funny), you have lots of work you could be doing instead of bending yourself up in a sweaty room, you haven’t done it in ages so you’ll probably hurt yourself and aggravate all of your ‘niggles’, you have loads to do this evening so just take it easy today”. Spot on Nancy – thanks gal.
I do love a bit of Negative Nancy when I want to get out of a spot of exercise – she has the right level of nurture (she doesn’t want me to get hurt or tire myself out God love her), mixed with pragmatism (it is all sweaty in there after all). But Nancy can turn nasty – when Queen Positive was trying to coax me out of my no yoga mood she fired back with guns blazing – yelling to leave me alone as ultimately I am just lazy, good for nothing and destined for a life of high blood pressure, bloating and low mood! Right then, thanks for that Nancy.
So over the years I have learned to listen to Negative Nancy, I take on board all her concerns and even her nasty comments and then I sneak on my yoga pants and run for the exit.
You see Nancy isn’t ‘bad’ for me – sometimes I do need to rest, to sit down and veg out it out in front of the TV instead of doing the washing up. Or have a long bath and read a book instead of pounding the pavements, but other times Nancy needs to be well and truly put back in her box.
Some of the things Nancy fights against are good for me. Nancy doesn’t like the cold so the thought of a walk on a crisp Sunday morning sends her thoughts to the sofa – but a crisp morning walk is sometimes just the thing I need so I push through her and head on out.
Nancy doesn’t like exercise so points out all the bad, but it’s important to move and be moving to keep our bodies in decent condition.
Nancy wants to avoid socialising in favour of a chocolate cake and wine but sitting with friends laughing is one of the best tonics in the world for me.
Getting the balance between your negative musings - your Nancy and your Positive Queen needs to be right. Give Nancy an ear and let Queens voice be heard and then decide what you need to do to lead your version of an awesome life right now.
This may sound nuts but it keeps me sane. If you haven't already then give it a go get to know your Nancy and your Queen.