Crying in a corner of my bedroom hiding from the kids...crying in the ring at my kickboxing class...crying in the bath....crying in Sainsbury’s over the chicken counter and then crying, crying, crying and crying some more in the doctors’ surgery....
Although I am a relatively emotional person even I could see that something wasn’t quite right with this picture.
After many years of work, marriage, babies and running a business ...something kind of snapped....and that something was me.
I think having to meet the emotional needs of 2 is rather demanding (and did I mention annoying?) children paired with running a (relatively) successful business, taking on Networking Mummies UK as an ambassador for their Birmingham branch, working towards an in the ring fight at my kickboxing class and trying to maintain my wonderfully comfortable home, led me to basically…..CRYING....ALL OF THE TIME …..FOR ABOUT 3 MONTHS…..
I felt utterly, utterly EXHAUSTED. Even after 10 hours sleep. Even after not drinking wine for 2 weeks (no mean feat!). Even after eating healthfully and exercising.
I still felt EXHAUSTED and feeling exhausted also made me CRY some more (FFS).
Now before you assume I am taking this lightly believe you me I am not, most of my friends and family will read this with utter surprise! I am a TOGETHER kinda gal, I have life SORTED, I am SUCCESSFUL, I HAVE IT ALL but hey having it all obviously can come at a price and that price was my emotional bottle just completely overflowed, burst forth and well didn’t stop....
Now my doctor is wonderful but we all know if you tell your doctor often enough that you can’t stop crying then the inevitable happens...the 'happy pills' come out…
So I was 3 months into 'happy land' although in truth it was rather depressing (cough), I didn’t want to be on those things, I didn’t want to not be able to cope with my 'happy life', people have real problems out there so crying over the chicken counter in Sainsbury’s because they didn’t have the diced chicken I sooooo needed that day to be happy is just well...its just was not ME!!! Relying on pills to stop me from crying was not ME either so I decided to tackle this depression beast from all angles:
The crux of everything was that I was not FEELING my life, now this could have passed (I am almost sure it would have eventually) and another 5 years could have trickled by with me being mum to my rather demanding (and annoying) children, running my (hopefully more successful) business, and me being kinda happy BUT here is the thing...I decided that enough was enough…I didn’t want to let life trickle by in a haze of getting by and living for the next weekend or next holiday or often just living until I could get to bed.
I discovered through the billions of books I read, courses I attended and qualifications I achieved that the secret to my personal happiness is within me. It’s not something a pill can sort (well not for me anyway and not long term) and it’s not in the pages of a book or on retreats or on courses (although all very helpful).
To be truly happy I needed to be happy with me, all of me, and the world how it is around me as it is.
I needed to slow down and smell the roses as this life was passing me by in a dirty grey mum fog.
Mindfulness for me has been the door to that inner happiness, to the happiness and contentment that lies within us all.
I am still practicing and learning Mindfulness (although Qualified as a Mindfulness Teacher I am and always will be still learning) – some days I struggle more than others, some weeks I barely scratch the surface at what I had planned, other weeks I am the epitome of a mindful mum, more often than not I am somewhere in between…and do you know what Mindfulness has taught me?…That whatever stage I am at, whatever type of week I am having, it is cool, as long as I am aware of it, simply living it, then I am being mindful and I am not wasting any more of my magic moments on this earth with my family and loved ones – good bad and the ugly are all welcome. That is called living.